Sunday, July 3, 2022


Who is truly the Social Justice hero of Tamilnadu ? 

Based on facts not emotions. (I was intrigued to find out who won more % reservation for TN but couldn't find one source for the answer or not straight forward, so spent time to find an answer)

TN Social Justice Day - February 20th - Periyar/EVR’s birthday 

Not sure if it will make any logical sense & fair to celebrate social justice day on February 20th when politicians like MGR, MK, JJ & Original Justice Party members (not Periyar) got Tamilnadu up to 69% reservation , highest in the country. 

Did Periyar get any reservation at all…that’s the outcome required not just protests , riots & speeches. 

Below 👇 facts gathered from various sources showing the facts & who won what % of reservation for the people. Make your own judgement if celebrating Social Justice on Periyar’s birthday will be fair! 

Source: Various articles, official sources, cross checked.

#TamilnaduNews #reservation #DMK #ADMK #socialjustice

Friday, January 28, 2022

Manusmriti, Ambedhkar's view on Hindu religion, British authors who interpreted vedic books.


Manusmriti was not perfect but Hindu religion has evolved over time. Some Islam nations follow Holy Book & by taking different views of the holy book. Dr. David Frawley said 'Manusmriti is not a Hindi scripture but one of many ancient law codes and their varied opinions. To look at Hinduism according to Manusmriti is equivalent to looking at Christianity today according to Christian law codes of the Middle Ages.' Moreover Indian constitution was never based on Manusmriti unlike the holy book of Islam which is even today used in certain islamic countries (Source: Sharia Law)

80% + of banned terrorist orgs are from this religion. So Hindu way of life may have discriminated in the past due to various reasons like divide & rule policy of the British and due to political parties such as INC, DMK, VCK in Tamilnadu but through social reforms is it not sorted? Tamilnadu has the highest reservation of 69% in the country. Then why some parties brag saying they are the beacons of social justice ? Will a Dalit or a hard working party worker become a leader of DMK? Dynasty politics continue.

Islam as a religion has the conversion part in the holy book because those days there were not enough people so they resort to conversions but now still this is used by various means like missionaries etc. Mass conversions happened during colonial days by creating superior & inferior classes using colour etc & by mis interpreting Hindu scriptures. Conversion in Hindu way of life was not required as anyone can practice their religion in India. As per the supreme court clarification in January 2022, people who lived on the side of Sindhu river are called Hindus. Hindu, Hinduism, Hindutuva terms shouldn't be used to create communal differences for any malicious reasons.

Periyar also preached corruption free governance but did it happen ? If yes why scientific corruption etc all happened. So if people want to misuse without proper understanding of scriptures you can’t blame the religion. Should we blame Islam is flawed because 80% + terrorist organisations are from this religion (Source: No right so in the same way you can’t blame or abuse gods of certain religions for your own political mileage. M.Karunanidhi asked 'Who is Ram, is he an engineer?' This created furore among the UPA alliance and he had to talk in Hindi on the stage to mend relationships with the alliance and the central government.

Social justice of 69% reservation achieved , what more can you achieve through more reservation ? Moreover 2+ generations have benefited from social reforms .. people should not be made lazy by divisive parties for their selfish motive to stay in power.

  1. After ruling India for 200+ years (East India Company came in 1608, in 1858 power was transferred from EIC to the British Crown) the imperialists were not successful in their mission to convert people so they formulated a strategy to divide & conquer

  2. Max Mueller, William Jones, Robert Caldwell, Herbert Hope Risley - they were instrumental in promoting division in society in various forms such as translating Hindus scriptures in English (lies, half truth, biased) which was purposely done to create division in society using the Varna system and promote Christianity.

  3. Whilst we respect Dr. Ambedkhar as father of constitution but even his book on ‘ Who are Shudras’ are based on the translated books by imperialists. Of course Dr.Ambedhkar was great in law, politics but not a spiritual guru with ability to read, write Sanskrit ..Page 14(xiv) he talks about the deficiency in Sanskrit and makes references to books written by Max Mueller- that are interpreted with a purpose to create inferior/superior classes. eg. Virat Kohli is a great cricketer but that doesn’t mean he knows football well and can coach players.

  4. Varna system recommends 4 Varnas 1. Brahmin 2. Kshatriyas 3. Vaishyas 4. Shudras . This was manipulated in every possible way through these translated books and in practice.

  5. By birth no one is born as a Brahmin, Shudra etc. It is by their qualities and skills. There is no varna called is completely untrue. eg. All IT employees are Shudras. In England we have surnames/family names such as Baker, Butcher, Smith which are all based on their professions, family business. Over the time in India it all got messed up by people, British who through promoting Endogamy (same religion marriage) to promote divisions in the society and to convert people to Christianity through missionaries by using the society made upper and lower caste

  6. Because of Colonial policies to divide & conquer, promoting endogamy (marriage within same caste) & political parties with false theories, Caste system got strongly embedded in our culture. Cannot blame the religion if it is misunderstood or misused.

  7. There is no direct link between various castes and varna system eg. Mudaliyars, Thevars, Chettiars, Pillai’s to classify them as upper and lower caste. There is no religious text that says classify a person from X, Y Z caste as upper or Lower caste. It is all man made division & by politicians for vote bank politics eg. more reservation.

  8. Rational thinking, Women empowerment are some of the great principles of Dravidam. DNA is NOT different from North, East, West Indians…all are same proven in the recent years.

Friday, December 24, 2021

What is Dravidam ideology?

 WARNING:People who want their state to grow and shine may not find the content offensive. Political parties with hypocrisy who benefit from dividing  people may find it most offensive. 

Part 1 

Is time to dump certain aspects of Dravidam/ Dravidian parties/Parties that survived on atheist values in the past? 

How many large companies/business groups owned by dravidian/secular parties prioritise jobs for untouchables and minorities ? Can they give a breakdown of the party administrators , business/companies employees religion/caste?

Atheist values , do still people believe in them?

Why corruption is deeply associated with today’s Dravidian parties?

Are people of TN happy with the Dravidian parties and what they stand for?

Does having an anti central stance help the state economically?

Is the frustration of no choice over in choosing a corruption free party for people of TN? 

I’m not claiming to be an expert of Dravidam but even the Dravidian party members cannot understand this or they are widely known hypocrites. 

In an attempt to understand Dravidam ,what I found was 4 key things 

1. Equality( Gender, Caste)  ,2. Rational thinking, 3. Discrimination ( Openly abuse people from certain religions/castes) 4.Mocking/Belittling at majority religion only to be popular in media.

1,2 are the great pros and 3,4 are major cons of Dravidam. No doubt we need rational thinking and equality in today’s society. Parties that practice 3,4 should be dumped and banned. Periyar was not successful in convincing the Congress party to bring reservation for non Brahmins in government jobs etc. This frustration led him to create a dravidian movement to uplift non Brahmins in society through reservation. 

Is reservation a great idea? Maybe yes but it’s been abused to the extent that all talented people have migrated to a foreign land. Upto 69% (jobs,education) reservation policy is followed in TN. This migration of talented people  may have also contributed to some  extent to the success of reservation. Now times have changed and today’s generation of people have different expectations and they want the country/ state to deliver good  governance and reduce corruption by adopting tech.

To be continued ....

Why political parties with atheistic beliefs are still relevant today? 


Part 2

There are 2.9 million atheists in India out of 1.36 billion people. Why political parties with atheistic beliefs are still relevant today? 

We have about 33k temples, 3k mosques and 1k+ churches TN and other religion based places of worship. How on earth in the state of Dravidam so many religious places exist? Can we assume the growth of temples, churches, mosques is an indication of  failure of Dravidam? Why people who visit temples, churches, mosques vote for parties that have preached Atheism? Do people give importance to atheist values of Dravidian parties anymore? Or people are used to choosing party A or party B because of some strong leaders in the past ? Because of 40+ years of Dravidian parties being in power , have we fully eradicated untouchability ?  

The main reason dravidam parties were

so popular is to bring reservation system and sort of equality which is done  now. People in TN choose a party that ends with MK (some mumnetra kazhagam) as they are used to it. If a party contests with a MK eg. BJMK ending , there are very high chances they would have won in TN:)

Are dravidian based parties relevant going forward ? Today dravidian parties mean corruption, rowdysim and amassers of wealth in the minds of people, times have to change and prioritise economic growth in an unified way. How long is the state government going to be anti central government ? Do these parties realise that they are impending the economic growth of the state to satisfy/fulfil their personal agendas and ego?The need of the hour is right wing parties to accelerate growth. Growth starts with reforms and challenging the status quo, choosing such parties would put the state on the path of economic growth.

How many large companies/business groups, benamis owned by dravidian/secular  parties prioritise jobs for untouchables and minorities ? How many directors in these companies are from minorities? Can they give a breakdown of their employees religions,castes? 

To be continued ...


Part 3 - Conclusion 

It is high time we connect with the right (correct) parties that have a strong leader with values and beliefs aligned with the voters instead of hypocrites who have amassed wealth in the name of dravidam and established money minting business conglomerates in the past 40+ years. 

The recent furore created by Rajini’s statement about true incidents that happened in the past at Thuglak annual event has reminded people about some acts of dravidian parties in  bad light. People from majority religion should support people from minority religions if there is a risk to their rights, citizenship, no doubt we should come together and support each other if there is any real threat to people from existing minority religions!

Going forward it is high time the so called Dravidian parties be clear in their atheist strategy and their recent soft stance towards majority religions show their atheist beliefs do not bring peoples supprt anymore. Political parties should prioritise good governance and deliver results that put the country/state on the path of progress than divide based on secularism!

#dravidam, #tamilnadu, #politics,#periyar,#thuglak


How Future-trends in Politics will be based on certain age groups?

Generation Z (Age group 22)- less religious will be the largest population(32%)  in the world followed by Millennials (Age group 23-38) who are pandered by parents beliefs and loyalty to certain political parties. 70’s,80’s style political propaganda, religion based propaganda may not work down the line and the younger population expect some sort of credibility from candidates who represent their constituencies. Next 10 years will see some interesting trends developing and probably put an end to right wing nationalistic parties being elected or these parties will be forced to be moderates.  

#dravidam, #tamilnadu, #politics,#periyar

Thursday, November 18, 2021

#JaiBhim - Will Suriya be arrested? Some facts and truths revealed. #WeStandWithSuriya


#JaiBhim a tamil movie that released in OTT on  November 2nd,  2021 has received mixed feedback and response from film, political fraternities and people. The movie based on the case Rajakannu vs State Government of Tamilnadu that happened in 1994.

The key truths that have been hidden, completely changed and certain communities, religions in the society are shown in a bad light. Below facts:

1. The actual name of the sub inspector character shown in the move - most inhumane behaviour as portrayed is Anthoni Sami (Link- Point 2 - 5th line). When the victim late Rajakannu's name was used as the actual name why the name Anthoni Sami was not used instead of Gurumurthy?

2.The original calendar shown behind the sub inspector's telephone conversation was the symbol of 'Vanniyars' association now replaced with Goddess Lakshmi calendar after pressure from political parties like PMK, various associations and social media posts, videos. If the calendar with a picture of a political leader or another person from a different community was shown will the concerned parties or communities keep quiet?

3.The director TJ Gnanavel states that the movie is based on the case Rajakannu vs State of Tamilnadu. The actual community of the victim is Kuravar community NOT Irular as shown in the movie. (Link). Parvathi (victim Rajakannu's wife) i.e Sengeni's character in the movie states in a youtube video that she is from Kuravar community and not Irular community. Links to various posts from 1.TimesofIndia 2.TheCommuneMag 3.Parvathi's Youtube interview (minute 11, 14.30) 4.NewsMinute


4.The communities were changed as Kuravar community was subject to historical injustice. During British rule in India they were placed under Criminal Tribes Act 1871, hence stigmatized for a long time, after Independence however they were denotified in 1952, though the stigma continues. Irular community as reported in various online sources state that some Vanniyar  community people have attacked them in the past which is quite common in the state between different communities. So this Irular community (SC/ST) was used as the victim's community to show Vanniyar community in bad light. This doesn't justify to invoke people from different communities for a communal war which is punishable under section 153 and other relevant sections of Indian Penal Code.

5. The actual incident i.e. murder of Rajakannu happened in Cuddalore district of Tamil Nadu in 1993 but in  the movie it is shown as the incident happened in a village Kammapuram in Virudhachalam town of Cuddalore district in Tamil Nadu. 

6. Why Govindan a communist party member who stood by the victim's family  for 13 years is completely ignored is unknown? Possibly he belonged to the Vanniyar community. Also sessions court Justice Krishnamurthy whose verdict was upheld in High Court is also completely forgotten. The reason is only to project advocate Chandru as the hero of the story.

7.Movie was released on November 2nd, 2021 just before Diwali. Tamilnadu Chief Minister MK Stalin appreciates the movie in public (Link) and then visits a NariKuravar (tribal) family to celebrate Diwali (Link). Looks like a well planned PR stunt where movie and politics are blended well to get public traction. There are also pictures of EVR in the background which raises the doubts about the link between the movie and DMK party.

8. Director Vetrimaran states ' The commitment of director T.J.Gnanavel to make this film to let the world know the plight of victims and Suriya's constant efforts towards social justice, on and offscreen is truly inspiring. It's only natural these films cause angst amongst those who don't want the status quo change. #WeStandWithSuriya. '' So 50+ years of Dravidian parties rule has not brought social justice to the deprived communities and only a movie can change the status quo is a pathetic state of politics in the state. 

9. How on earth by donating Rs.1 crore from another trust (Agaram Foundation run by Suriya) run by Actor Suriya to Irular community trust (Registration details of the charity not found yet) would help the affected/victim community i.e. Kuravar? So people who have donated for a different cause i.e. Agaram foundation , funds have been transferred to another trust. Has it been done after getting the permission of Agaram foundation donors? So Rs.1 crore was not donated from the actual box office/OTT revenue which runs into Rs.20 + crores - rough estimates from online sources. Not sure how a CM could appreciate a movie and endorse it when the movie has resulted in many controversies such as instigating caste based violence , showing a particular community in bad light and legal issues(Link)

10. Actor Suriya after social media posts and criticism donates Rs.15 lakhs to the victim's family. He or the film crew did not get the victim family's permission nor informed them about the movie being released. So the whole point was to take a movie, twist the facts, characters to suit political agenda and only show the advocate character as hero. 

11. People like Raghava Lawrence should be appreciated for their honest efforts to help the victim's family. He offered to build a house for them after watching the movie before it resulted in a lot of controversies and appreciation.


12.The IG (Police) character — Perumalsamy ,played by Prakash Raj slaps a hindi speaking person when he talks in Hindi. If someone doesn't understand a language first a person will request to speak in a language that can be understood instead of slapping on the face. This scene is purposely included in the movie to appease certain political parties, agenda and to create a sensation.

In 1994 when the movie The Bandit Queen (based on Phoolan Devi) was released it resulted in various controversies and director Shekar Kapur and producer Channel 4 apologised to the victim and paid £40,000 as out of court settlement. 

Facts are important if you are saying the movie is based on a true story. Author-activist Arundhati Roy in her film review entitled, "The Great Indian Rape Trick", questioned the right to "restage the rape of a living woman without her permission", and charged Shekhar Kapur with exploiting Phoolan Devi and misrepresenting both her life and its meaning. (Link)

If the biopic of a popular personality say for example Sachin TendulkarMS Dhoni was wrongly portrayed in the movie or facts changed, would the concerned people keep quiet and not create a furore? Wont the directors get the permission and movie making rights from concerned people? So where is social justice done to Kuravar community and the victim's family, they have been treated in the same historic way by the #JaiBhim film crew.


Some film directors like Bharathiraja have written letters to PMK founder asking them to stop politicising the issue as it restricts creative freedom. Creative freedom is not purposely changing a character's name, religion, caste when a movie claims it is a true story. Karnan, a tamil movie which was released in 2021 based on the community clashes in 1997. The director was forced by DMK (Link) to change the date as DMK was in power and later changed to 'In the late 90's'. Where is freedom of expression here? Why didn't Bharathiraja and other film directors, actors kept quiet?


So how can one justify and support that the  movie #JaiBhim is free from political agendas and does social justice? Real social justice is at least attempting to take the permission of the victim's family and pay them a fair share of the movie revenue which runs into several crores. Just donating Rs.15 lakhs does no justice to the victim Rajakannu's family when using their painful story to get rich and fame and give an opportunity to get political mileage for certain parties. Moreover this movie could instigate violence between various communities and result in permanent damage to certain community's reputation. 


Creativity in movies is fine but when it is stated the movie is based on a true story/case with significant importance  then characters, names, incidents, parties involved cannot be changed to appease certain people in the society and show some communities in bad light. True Jai Bhim is when political parties abolish castes, caste based vote bank politics and eradicate divisions in society and uplift every member from communities that didn't get the opportunity to step up in their lives socially and economically.

What cannot be tolerated is the social injustice done to the victim's family by not even informing them that a movie is being made based on the case Rajakannu vs State of Tamilnadu before netizens started asking various questions and some authentic youtube channels, media- non mainstream Tamilnadu media.

The author of this article has stated the above from his personal research on the topic and shared, stated views from various online media sources as well.

jaibhim movie, section 153, true meaning of jaibhim, communist party, the bandit queen, phoolan devi, 40+ crores revenue, irular, kuravar community, social justice, injustice, anbumani ramadoss,pmk, dmk, evr, periyar,parvathi, rajakannu, vetri maaran, raghawa lawrence,british, historical injustice, ms dhoni, sachin tendulkar

Friday, August 20, 2021

Why M.Karunanidhi spoke in Hindi? 70 lives were lost during Anti hindi agitation 1965. Is this ideology still valid today?



English is the most widely used language for communication around the world. Around 1.5 billion people speak the language. But only 25% are spoken by native speakers whereas Hindi is spoken by 480 million people and a larger percentage is spoken by native speakers1.

 History of Anti Hindi Agitation

In Tamil Nadu, the campaign against Hindi is over seven decades old. The genesis of the campaign can be traced to the opposition spearheaded by E.V. Ramasamy, also called Periyar, to the decision of the C Rajagopalachari Cabinet in August 1937 to make Hindi compulsory in secondary schools. At that time, Rajagopalachari, or Rajaji as he was known, was Premier of Madras Presidency.

According to Rajaji, a biography by Rajmohan Gandhi, this was done in 125 schools and the Premier described Hindi as "chutney on the leaf" and said “taste it or leave it alone.” Even though he had remained unmoved till he quit office in October 1939, the British government, in February 1940, made Hindi optional. 

The second round of anti-Hindi protests erupted in 1965 in the light of reports that Hindi would replace English as the official language. This triggered strong reactions. The DMK, then an emerging party, used the crisis in a deft way and the 1965 agitation was one of the important factors that helped the party capture power two years later.

Even after Arignar Anna came to power, the anti-Hindi agitation continued. Hindi, which was an optional subject in schools, was removed by the DMK government led by Anna. Similarly, since Hindi was the language of communication in National Cadet Corps training, NCC was removed from government schools. It seemed as if Tamil Nadu was slowly moving away from the national mainstream 19.

Freedom fighters from non hindi speaking states such as Subramaniam Bharathi (Bharathiyar), H.Doreswamy (Karnataka)

 Source: Wikipedia

2021 - Do we still need to alienate an official language even if you don't promote it? Is it not being out of a common thread that binds every Indian?

43% of the population in India speak Hindi, a maximum of 6% of people speak Tamil3. In Tamilnadu the growth of Hindi speakers has gone up by 50% between 2011 and 20214,18 but still it was only about 13% of the population speaking Hindi. Some of the reasons for the growth of Hindi language in the state are 1. Education - CBSE, ICSE school students can choose a second language, 2. People who look for jobs outside Tamilnadu., 3. TV programmes - e.g., Ramayana, Mahabharata, 4. North Indian workers who work in Tamilnadu, business owners speak some sort of Hindi to communicate with. North Indians who come to do business, work in the state also learn Tamil so there are benefits both ways.

In the IT sector I have personally known some people where they come onsite for work and have shared their experiences working with north Indians. Since people from Tamilnadu are unable to speak in Hindi they miss out on many opportunities, career growth and unable to build a rapport with senior management. In non-Hindi speaking states there are more English speakers. In Tamilnadu only 18.49% of people speak English.


Being multilingual has its own benefits. Some of them are 1. Cognitive benefits, 2. Alzheimer’s disease was found to affect bilingual people slower than monolingual speakers,3. More rational decision-making skills and many other benefits7.

The New Educational Policy 2020 has a system of 5+3+4 years education system which has been reformed after 34 years. The new National Education Policy (NEP) recommends that all students will learn three languages in their school under the 'formula'. At least two of the three languages should be native to India. Hindi is not mandatory for non-Hindi speaking states due to protests by certain states in the country. This is detrimental for future generations as they would be left out on various career, business, other opportunities due to the anti Hindi stance continuing in Tamilnadu by dravidian parties.

M Karunanidhi himself once said, 'I have sent Murasoli Maran to be my representative in Delhi because he speaks fluent Hindi', that includes his grand nephew14. R. Natraj, Former Director General of Police, Legislator- Mylapore.


When the question was raised by late DMK Leader M.Karunanidhi if Ram was an engineer to build a bridge (Sethusamudram Project) it created a lot of furore within the UPA alliance, Hindu community. He recited this poem in Hindi in a public meeting "Hindustan hai desh hamara, janse apne humko pyara Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Isaai, aapas main hain bhai bhai Bhai hoga bhai hamara, aisa hoga chalan hamara (India is our country and we love it more than our lives. Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians are all brothers. Brothers will be brothers, such will be our conduct)" 32. This clearly proves that if we speak the language (Hindi) of the alliance, spoken by the majority of the people in the country even broken relationships can be fixed and good rapport can be built.



Sunshine Senior Secondary School 10, Chennai run by Sabareesan, is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The CBSE schools follow the three-language formula and Hindi has to be mandatorily taught right up to Class 8. In effect, the schools run by the DMK leaders teach Hindi to their students8. Some of the DMK family members studied in below English medium (not Tamil medium) schools 


1.     Madras Christian College, Chennai – MK.Stalin

2.    Don Bosco Egmore, Chennai – Kalanidhi Maran, Dayanidhi Maran, Udhaynidhi Stalin



Historically anti Hindi stance has resulted in 70 or more lost lives, it may have given political mileage for dravidian parties but now we are in 2021 and we should rethink and accept Hindi as an official language as per constitution part 8 and put an end to this outdated ideology as it could be a hindrance for a common man, woman in their career, business and other walks of life. Imposing any language on people shouldn’t be accepted but let’s wake up and be practical by applying rationale thinking, a principle of Dravidam. By applying rationale thinking everyone will only benefit more in many aspects of their lives.  

A study by Geneva University found that 10 percent of Switzerland’s GDP could be attributed to the country’s multilingual heritage and abilities 20. Learning Hindi has its benefits such as being able to move to any state in the country, better chances for central government jobs and better financial prospects23 

Even if you don’t want to learn Hindi let us not oppose it as it is not good for the centre, state relationships. Subramania Bharathi (Bharathiyar), a poet, freedom fighter, forward thinker who believed in social equality spoke Hindi25 and multiple languages29. H. Doreswamy (above picture), a freedom fighter from Karnataka spoke Hindi24 and was instrumental in translating freedom movement speeches in Kannada to other freedom fighters in the state. 32% of financial grants are provided by the Central government to Tamilnadu 12, so it is wise to have a harmonious relationship with the central government for the betterment of the state and its people. Some of the previous dravidian governments that were part of a national political alliance with the central government brought some benefits to the state when there was a good state, central relationship33. A lot more could have been done if the dravidian parties had a good rapport and relationship with the national political parties.Tamil is one of the official 22 languages of the constitution of India21 and has been added to the classical languages list22. All this is good for Tamil language and recognition.


                                                 Source: 38

If the dravidian parties want to promote Tamil then let them set up language centres around the state, country to promote Tamil learning, create a separate ministry with a budget allocation for promoting tamil language. Some of the  leading media channels in the country, part of DMK family, such as SUN TV Group, asia’s largest media group16 2nd largest media group by viewership in India15 (33 TV channels,70 radio stations, 3 Daily Newspapers, 6 Magazines) and DMK family owned Kalaignar TV can promote Tamil learning by allocating a few hours per week to teach Tamil and there are many other ways of promoting Tamil as a language to non-Tamil speakers. 


Let us not accept language disability promoted by certain political parties in the country and embrace diversity, culture and language. The Hindi movement in South India was started in the year 1918 by Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi saw the need to unite the northern and southern states of the country in the greatest interest of integration of the nation, as Hindi was spoken by the largest section of the people of India.

Source: Madras Local History Group - Facebook

Therefore, he founded the Dakshin Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha at Madras to propagate the study of Hindi in the then Madras Presidency and princely states of Banganapalle, Cochin, Hyderabad, Mysore, Pudukkottai, Sanduru and Travancore28. The growth of Hindi learners in the recent years proves that people have started realising that anti hindi agitation ideology of 1965 is not pragmatic4

Let us support and promote Tamil language, oppose imposition of any language but stop anti hindi stance. Freedom fighters are more patriotic than any political party that prioritises their interests than national interests. Many freedom fighters have lost their lives, wealth, families and have fought for freedom. If such patriots didn’t have an issue with Hindi language then we should stop alienation of Hindi in the state to join the common thread that unites us with the rest of the country. In Europe, although there is preference for union countries to speak in their mother tongue as their preferred language, still 93% of children learn English 30. 80% of 15-30year olds from the European Union felt confident in writing and speaking  2 foreign languages34.

First let us be an Indian that accepts all kinds of diversity and then a broad minded, true rationale thinking Thamizhan!

I'm a consultant based in Europe. My interests are in Indian history, politics, economics, stock markets, technology and lifestyle. I'm a progressive thinker who supports balanced economic and social equality.

Thanks for taking the time to read. Please feel free to share your comments, feedback.












13. Lives lost -























36. Pic of M.Karunanidhi -


38. Sun TV Channels -

Note: Some content/text are taken from above sources and used in the above article.

  Who is truly the Social Justice hero of Tamilnadu ?  Based on facts not emotions. (I was intrigued to find out who won more % reservation ...