Friday, December 24, 2021

What is Dravidam ideology?

 WARNING:People who want their state to grow and shine may not find the content offensive. Political parties with hypocrisy who benefit from dividing  people may find it most offensive. 

Part 1 

Is time to dump certain aspects of Dravidam/ Dravidian parties/Parties that survived on atheist values in the past? 

How many large companies/business groups owned by dravidian/secular parties prioritise jobs for untouchables and minorities ? Can they give a breakdown of the party administrators , business/companies employees religion/caste?

Atheist values , do still people believe in them?

Why corruption is deeply associated with today’s Dravidian parties?

Are people of TN happy with the Dravidian parties and what they stand for?

Does having an anti central stance help the state economically?

Is the frustration of no choice over in choosing a corruption free party for people of TN? 

I’m not claiming to be an expert of Dravidam but even the Dravidian party members cannot understand this or they are widely known hypocrites. 

In an attempt to understand Dravidam ,what I found was 4 key things 

1. Equality( Gender, Caste)  ,2. Rational thinking, 3. Discrimination ( Openly abuse people from certain religions/castes) 4.Mocking/Belittling at majority religion only to be popular in media.

1,2 are the great pros and 3,4 are major cons of Dravidam. No doubt we need rational thinking and equality in today’s society. Parties that practice 3,4 should be dumped and banned. Periyar was not successful in convincing the Congress party to bring reservation for non Brahmins in government jobs etc. This frustration led him to create a dravidian movement to uplift non Brahmins in society through reservation. 

Is reservation a great idea? Maybe yes but it’s been abused to the extent that all talented people have migrated to a foreign land. Upto 69% (jobs,education) reservation policy is followed in TN. This migration of talented people  may have also contributed to some  extent to the success of reservation. Now times have changed and today’s generation of people have different expectations and they want the country/ state to deliver good  governance and reduce corruption by adopting tech.

To be continued ....

Why political parties with atheistic beliefs are still relevant today? 


Part 2

There are 2.9 million atheists in India out of 1.36 billion people. Why political parties with atheistic beliefs are still relevant today? 

We have about 33k temples, 3k mosques and 1k+ churches TN and other religion based places of worship. How on earth in the state of Dravidam so many religious places exist? Can we assume the growth of temples, churches, mosques is an indication of  failure of Dravidam? Why people who visit temples, churches, mosques vote for parties that have preached Atheism? Do people give importance to atheist values of Dravidian parties anymore? Or people are used to choosing party A or party B because of some strong leaders in the past ? Because of 40+ years of Dravidian parties being in power , have we fully eradicated untouchability ?  

The main reason dravidam parties were

so popular is to bring reservation system and sort of equality which is done  now. People in TN choose a party that ends with MK (some mumnetra kazhagam) as they are used to it. If a party contests with a MK eg. BJMK ending , there are very high chances they would have won in TN:)

Are dravidian based parties relevant going forward ? Today dravidian parties mean corruption, rowdysim and amassers of wealth in the minds of people, times have to change and prioritise economic growth in an unified way. How long is the state government going to be anti central government ? Do these parties realise that they are impending the economic growth of the state to satisfy/fulfil their personal agendas and ego?The need of the hour is right wing parties to accelerate growth. Growth starts with reforms and challenging the status quo, choosing such parties would put the state on the path of economic growth.

How many large companies/business groups, benamis owned by dravidian/secular  parties prioritise jobs for untouchables and minorities ? How many directors in these companies are from minorities? Can they give a breakdown of their employees religions,castes? 

To be continued ...


Part 3 - Conclusion 

It is high time we connect with the right (correct) parties that have a strong leader with values and beliefs aligned with the voters instead of hypocrites who have amassed wealth in the name of dravidam and established money minting business conglomerates in the past 40+ years. 

The recent furore created by Rajini’s statement about true incidents that happened in the past at Thuglak annual event has reminded people about some acts of dravidian parties in  bad light. People from majority religion should support people from minority religions if there is a risk to their rights, citizenship, no doubt we should come together and support each other if there is any real threat to people from existing minority religions!

Going forward it is high time the so called Dravidian parties be clear in their atheist strategy and their recent soft stance towards majority religions show their atheist beliefs do not bring peoples supprt anymore. Political parties should prioritise good governance and deliver results that put the country/state on the path of progress than divide based on secularism!

#dravidam, #tamilnadu, #politics,#periyar,#thuglak


How Future-trends in Politics will be based on certain age groups?

Generation Z (Age group 22)- less religious will be the largest population(32%)  in the world followed by Millennials (Age group 23-38) who are pandered by parents beliefs and loyalty to certain political parties. 70’s,80’s style political propaganda, religion based propaganda may not work down the line and the younger population expect some sort of credibility from candidates who represent their constituencies. Next 10 years will see some interesting trends developing and probably put an end to right wing nationalistic parties being elected or these parties will be forced to be moderates.  

#dravidam, #tamilnadu, #politics,#periyar

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